The Scarecast

This podcast features various scary stories and creepypasta from popular Youtuber MaddMike. Jeff and Liu looked over and saw three boys outside, two of which were riding around in circles on the Woods brother's bikes. The walls were now shaking so hard it seemed as though they were going to crumble, but still the faces smiled at me. As I inched closer, their eyes followed me. I was now between the two bodies, a few feet away from the door.

Fallout 3 is also no stranger to creepypasta lore, as is to be expected especially considering the environment you see yourself submerged in during your play through of Fallout 3. If you're unaware, there is a DLC titled Point Lookout in which this particular creepypasta is based off of. It follows the story as two brothers finally decide to check out the DLC and from what I can gather, they decided to play through one of the quests that is described as retrieving a special book, and if you're not Creepypasta aware, the way you get to Point Lookout in the game is via boat.

Joanne Cantor, a retired University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who studied the effect of media on children, said stories like Slenderman can have a greater effect because children can interact with the tale by viewing pictures, watching videos or posting their own versions of stories or comments.

This scary story revolves around a local crazy woman who doesn't see anything wrong with trespassing into other people's property. These creepy stories are narrations of different peoples postings on reddit. Often-used examples include stories about cursed video games, lost television show episodes, ritual-games, and corrupted files passed and downloaded over the Internet.

In 2014, Slender Man made national headlines when two 12-year-old girls in Wisconsin stabbed a fellow 12-year-old girl 19 times, citing that the alleged murder attempt was their way of pleasing the figure. The story follows a player that decides to download the Super Mario World hack and you watch as he experiences it first hand.

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